Hello all, so I've decided to end each month with a post declaring my favourite read for that said month. I have no idea if this is a meme that some other blogger has already started and if so, please feel free to tell me and leave me the link in the comments section. So without further adieu my January Pick of the Month:
The Butterfly Clues by Kate Ellison
Source: ARC from Publisher
Publisher: Egmont USA
Release Date: February 14th/12.

This book really spoke to me. It was intense and achingly honest in its treatment of OCD and depression. Please go out and read this book YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! To read my full review on The Butterfly Clues please click here.
What was your favourite read of January?
Happy Reading!!!
I haven't heard of this book. It sounds quite interesting! Awesome pick! Thank you for sharing it!
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