Mortality (The Hitchhiker Strain #1)
by: Kelly Sheridan
Now Available!!!
Mortality on Goodreads here.
Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads:
After surviving a deadly plague outbreak, sixteen-year-old Savannah thought she had lived through the very worst of human history. There was no way to know that the miracle vaccine would put everyone at risk for a fate worse than un-death.
Now, two very different kinds of infected walk the Earth, intent on nothing but feeding and destroying what little remains of civilization. When the inoculated are bitten, infection means watching on in silent horror as self-control disappears and the idea of feasting on loved ones becomes increasingly hard to ignore.
Starving and forced to live inside of the abandoned high school, all Savannah wants is the chance to fight back. When a strange boy arrives with a plan to set everything right, she gets her chance. Meeting Cole changes everything. Mere survival will never be enough.
That's right, folks! For a limited time, Kellie has lowered the price of Mortality by 40% so it is now available for purchase $2.99!!!
Purchase Links: Amazon | Amazon U.K. | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
Mortality is a thrill-ride that knows no end!
I don't usually respond well to plots told from multiple narratives, but Kellie has done such a great job of incorporating all her characters within the story, that each voice is distinctive and interesting. I found Savannah the most relatable, she's strong and witty, basically a Zombie-ass-kicking heroine!
Kellie's debut blends Zombie-fighting action with blossoming romance, flawlessly (And as a HUGE romance fan, I totally appreciated this!) Cole has my heart! LOVE this swoon-worthy man! If for no other reason, you must read Mortality for this boy.
The action is non-stop, and I'm sure fans of The Walking Dead series will appreciate the apocalyptic, zombie-infested environment Kellie has penned. BUT the best thing about Mortality, is that it will also appeal to those who aren't fans of TWD (myself included), because she has created a story FILLED with amazing 3-demensional characters- Add a dash of sexual tension/romance, and you've got, success!
CONGRATS KELLIE, now can I have Duality? *puppy dog eyes*
Happy Reading!!!
Author Guest Post:
Why The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a Great Example of the New Adult Genre
I’m writing this post the day before the last ever episode of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, because let me tell you—I am obsessed. It makes me sad just thinking about the fact that by the time you’re reading this, it will be the first Monday in a long while where I won’t be putting off starting my work day until the new episode is uploaded to YouTube. Maybe that’s a good thing? Nope, definitely NOT a good thing. This series has been one of the highlights of my week for a while now, and I’m really going to miss it. And Darcy. I’ll definitely be missing Darcy.
I won’t waste too much time telling you why all Jane Austen lovers should be watching this series already, as I’m sure you’ve heard it before. It’s a fantastic new way to experience classic characters. There, I said it. Done. But even outside of the world of Austen, there is a lot here for people who are just starting to take an interest in the “New Adult” genre. Lizzie Bennet offers up her (fictional) life for us to watch, and in doing so we get to see her navigate some of life’s big moments that we’ve either already experienced for ourselves or that we might be living through in the future.
I should probably take a second to clarify that I’m taking about New Adult as in early to mid twenty-somethings, trying to find their place in the world, navigate life after high school and falling in love for what might not be the first time—not the super steamy, sexy times version of NA. That stuff has a place in NA too, but everyone keeps their clothes on when YouTube is involved. I see New Adult (like Young Adult) as a category, rather than a genre. It’s about that certain point in your life when you’re running around in circles trying to figure out that ever elusive “path” you’re supposed to take. And while Lizzie Bennet may have a pretty good idea of what she wants to do with her life, her character exemplifies the journey of figuring out who you are and how you relate to other people within your universe.
Lizzie will tell you in the first episode that, “she’s a twenty-four year old grad student, with a mountain of student loans, living at home, and preparing for a career.” Most of us have experienced some, if not all of these things, so it’s easy to relate. Plus, it doesn’t matter how old you are, we all experience that point in our lives (again and again) where we’re not quite sure what we’re supposed to be doing next. Lizzie lives this and monologues through it on a pretty regular basis… voila, the New Adult experience, brought to you via YouTube.
New Adult is still mainly a genre we talk about when it comes to literature, but even before it became the new thing, it was all over the place in books, movies and television. The team behind The Lizzie Bennet Diaries worked their magic and did an amazing job of changing the format to let you get one step farther inside the mind of a newly adult character. So whether you’ve just been ignoring the hype, or aren’t a fan of Pride & Prejudice, I still highly recommend checking out this series because it has so much to offer those of us who live for stories filled with young love, self-discovery and a whole lot of snarky humor.
Author website | Twitter | Goodreads
Mortality Teaser:
English class, English class, I’m here to focus on English class. Come on, Zarah. Get it together. I am not here to eye stalk the new boy. He looks at me, and I duck my head down to hide how red my face has turned. I start frantically scribbling words onto my vocabulary sheet and pretending that I have much more important things to think about than the new guy.
It’s only the second day of the new school year and I’m already getting a little obsessive. We have three classes together and I’ve done enough asking around to figure out that his name is Liam. What I can’t figure out is if he’s actually watching me too or just starting to get weirded out that the only Indian girl in class keeps gawking at him. But damn, the boy is gawkable.
Mr. Simmons is sitting at his desk, reading something by Charles Dickens and not paying any attention to what the rest of us are doing. This time last year I would have been sitting here getting a head start on my homework, but that was probably part of being a freshman. Now I have much more important things to worry about. Liam.
“Hey, Mr. Simmons, can you turn on the TV?” My study of Liam’s blond stubble ends as Ellie shoots up from her seat. She’s holding her phone and doesn’t seem remotely concerned about the school’s no cell phone policy. She’s walking toward the television screen before our teacher even puts his book down.
Mr. Simmons’s eyebrows shoot up as he clears his throat. “Miss Cornack, can I help you?”
“Oh, sorry. Um, there’s something big going on. I think we should check the news.” She doesn’t seem sorry at all. The unflappable Ellie Cornack actually looks worried.
“Alright, I’m intrigued. Feel free to take your seat again, and I’ll pretend like you aren’t on your cell phone in my class. Deal?”
“Uh, right.” Ellie pauses for a second but sits back down.
When Mr. Simmons turns the TV to our local news station, everyone in the class stops pretending to work on the assignment. Most are leaning in to see what’s going on. The rest stare down at their smartphones.
We tune in to the middle of a news broadcast taking place in a park a few blocks away from City Hall. “We have increasing reports of an unknown disease spreading throughout the city and into surrounding communities of Cleveland,” a well-known news reporter speaks matter-of-factly, her voice droning on. I let myself relax a little after imagining worse things than some outbreak. “We are currently waiting for a statement from the local government on how the disease is being spread and if there are any precautions the public needs to take.”
Maybe she should try explaining what she’s talking about. Should I be worried? Everyone else looks kind of worried.
There are two groups of people sitting in the park behind her as she talks. Two guys who look about my age are hamming it up for the camera while an older woman on a park bench reads a book, seemingly oblivious to the news report.
I’m only mildly interested in what the news is reporting; it’s a strange man who wandered into the camera shot that is holding my interest. He is dragging one of his feet behind him as he approaches the two teenagers. He’s moving slowly and it’s a little funny to watch. He seems so focused on reaching the two guys who are probably cutting class.
One of the boys looks up at this strange man coming up behind them, but he doesn’t seem too concerned. It’s only as the reporter starts reassuring the public that there is no need to panic that the man grabs hold of one of the teenagers and sinks his teeth into the boy’s neck.
My hand flies to my mouth, as the boy lets out a gurgled yell that finally gets the news crew’s attention. Someone in the back of the classroom is throwing up but I can’t tear my eyes away from the screen. The camera drops as the reporter and her crew run toward the boys.
Giveaway time!!! Before you go, make sure you enter the Rafflecopter below to win an e-copy of Kellie's pre-qual novella, End Dayz!
Good luck to all!!!
Good luck to all!!!
Special thanks to Kellie for allowing me to participate in this blog tour!
Love me some zombies!